Stillfront has set the current financial targets for the period 2021-2023: Growth – Stillfront’s target is to reach a net revenue of 10,000 MSEK by 2023. Growth will be achieved organically as well as through acquisitions. Profitability – Stillfront’s target is to reach an Adjusted EBIT margin in the region of 35 percent.


Publicerat av Statistical Finance 15 juni, 2020 Publicerad i Okategoriserade Etiketter: aktier, Avanza, backtesting, Excel, historia, Stillfront, stocks 1 kommentar till Stillfront gjorde återigen en ny 200dagars-högsta (styrka föder styrka)

Stillfront is a founder-led company as Jorgen Larsson is the group’s CEO. Alexis Bonte, is the COO and the founder of a studio acquired by Stillfront. Management has strong experience in gaming and finance. Jorgen Larsson. CEO and Founder of Stillfront.

Stillfront stock

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Detta är en låst artikel. Prenumerera på  Stocks in Play – Stillfront klättrar rejält efter amerikanskt storförvärv. ANNONS. En kort sammanfattning av några av dagens viktigaste kurspåverkande händelser,  Artiklar, analyser, telegram, pressreleaser och analytikernas aktieråd rörande Stillfront Group. Stillfront Group AB (publ) (“Stillfront” eller “Bolaget”) meddelar härmed att Bolaget har slutfört bookbuilding-förfarandet i den Riktade  Analyser, rekommendationer & riktkurser för Stillfront aktien. Redeye reiterates its positive view of Stillfront, raising the base-case to SEK 125 (113) per share. Tror du mer på stillfront?

What is Stillfront Group AB (publ)'s stock price today? One share of STLFF stock can currently be purchased for approximately $10.03. How many employees does Stillfront Group AB (publ) have?

Organic growth and carefully selected and executed acquisitions embody our growth strategy and our approx. 1,000 co-workers thrive in an organization that engenders the spirit of entrepreneur Stillfront is a free-to-play powerhouse of gaming studios. Our diverse and exciting games portfolio has two common themes: loyal users and long lifecycle games. Organic growth and carefully selected and executed acquisitions embody our growth strategy and our approx.

Stillfront stock

STILLFRONT GROUP AB (PUBL) 0A2A Overview - Search stock, chart, recent trades, company information, trading information, company news, fundamentals

Stillfront stock

Evaluate Global Equity Stock Exchange(s). United States 79789, Stillfront Group AB (publ) (1YS.F), Comm-Serv  WANT TO CATCH SF NEWS BEFORE IT CHANGES THE STOCK PRICE? More From SF Finansmannen: Är det nu det vänder för Stillfront?

Stillfront stock

Hos Nordnet kan du handle fra 1 kr i kurtasje. Klikk her for å følge aksjekursen i realtid In depth view into STLFF (Stillfront Group) stock including the latest price, news, dividend history, earnings information and financials. Stillfront’s financing approach has proven to be flexible (various mixtures of cash on hand, debt, and stock), and the company is highly selective in what they actually buy (and at what price). It’s worth noting a couple financial realities. Stillfront also develops most of their games by their own which gives them the potential advantage of organic growth.
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Stillfront stock

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