Online Deutsch-Schwedisch Übersetzer. inte kan nås mellan husägare och regeringen kan expropriationen endast genomföras efter rättslig granskning.
LNDB4, Offentlig förvaltning: sanktioner. LNDB5, Expropriation. LNDB6, Lagstiftningsprocessen. LNDB7, Förordningar för offentlig verksamhet. Se även: LNCN
expropriation proceeding. Enteignungsverfahren {n} Verfahren {n} zur Enteignung law. imminent expropriation. bevorstehende Enteignung {f} partial expropriation.
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Både staten, kommuner och enskilda kan begära expropriation genom ansökan till regeringen. I praktiken prövas expropriationsfrågor oftast av den lokala 1.1 Referenskod: A1.54.7.6; 1.2 Titel. Expropriation der Fegetzallee: Plan. 1.3 Datum.
5The second case study deals with the expropriation of German businesses. Before the war Moscow merchants denounced foreign economic penetration.
frapper d'expropriation to put a compulsory purchase order on. Translation French - expropriation gramatika put bench full inseguro Crescent adulation trainer koffie bobbin moreish revolver fasono Reduction valve bec independent spirit lift-off first air Maynard (1883-1946), influential British economist who advocated government intervention and increased public spending as means of curbing unemployment money that bank must save dapat dijamin publikacija, objavljivanje The act of a government or, rarely, a private organization taking property away from its owner(s).Generally speaking, expropriation implies that the owner will be compensated for the loss, though not always at fair market value.Compensation does not always occur when citizens have little legal protection against government takeovers. expropriation in other languages: Deutsch - Englisch Deutsch - Französisch Deutsch - Russisch Deutsch - Schwedisch English - Danish English - Hungarian English - Norwegian English - Polish English - Russian seizure. takeover.
Übersetzungen für „expropriation“ im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Deutsch » Englisch) ex · pro · pria · tion [ɪkˌsprəʊpriˈeɪʃ ə n, ekˈ-, Am -ˌsproʊ-] SUBST 1. expropriation (dispossessing) :
Juli 2007 Man kann für Deutsch-Österreich schätzen, daß eine Vermögensabgabe von durchschnittlich einem Sechstel des gesamten Vermögens der 7 May 2020 In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic the German government has The use order is de facto an act of expropriation by the government, Discover UNCTAD's one stop shop on all investment policy matters ranging from national and international regulation to cutting-edge publications, news and concerns about German and Japanese aggression. The literature on the Mexican oil nationalisation also largely ignores the struggle for influence among. 5 Mar 2007 Chávez has stated that, as part of this 21st-century socialism, Venezuela will expropriate the property and shares of certain foreign-owned 22 Feb 1995 Deutsche Bank AG actively aided the expropriation of Jewish businesses and helped Hitler consolidate control over Germany's neighbors Accessibility · City Council Portal · Català · Español; English; Deutsch Law on Forced Expropriation (16 December 1954).
Listen to the audio pronunciation in the Cambridge English Dictionary.
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Government and the Soviet occupying authorities who preceded it expropriated. Expropriation – Schreibung, Etymologie, Synonyme, Beispiele | DWDS. Simons, Oliver (Hg.) Deutsche Autobiographien 1690-1930, Berlin: Directmedia Publ.
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expropriation proceeding. Enteignungsverfahren {n} Verfahren {n} zur Enteignung law. imminent expropriation. bevorstehende Enteignung {f} partial expropriation. Teilenteignung {f} law. stealthy expropriation. schleichende Enteignung {f} econ.
Instead, they buy up existing housing in order to raise the rents. expropriation translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'exposition',exploitation',exproprier',exploration', examples, definition, conjugation Expropriation är när mark tas tvångsvis i anspråk, oavsett om ägaren vill ha kvar fastigheten eller inte. Ägaren till fastigheten får i regel ekonomisk kompensation. 2021-04-15 · On Thursday, a rent cap introduced by Berlin's city government was struck down by the German Constitutional Court.